A Mindful Approach to Dementia & Psychedelics: Our Shared Journey Series - Welcome

Welcome to this journey—a journey of Alzheimer’s, Microdosing, and Mindfulness. I wanted to start a blog several years ago when I first noticed my husband, Henry, showing signs of dementia. Yet today seems like the perfect time. First, though, I want to let you know that Henry, formally diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer’s exactly one year ago, is totally supportive of this blog and fervently advocates for it.

A few days ago, we watched Dr. James Fadiman being interviewed by Ramdev Dale Bolgrum as part of a fundraiser for The Living/Dying Project. Dr. Fadiman, considered the father of microdosing, has greatly influenced our journey. I have trained as a microdosing coach through the Microdosing Institute, including participating in a small workshop group with Dr. Fadiman. During the fundraiser, there was an opportunity for follow-up questions by email. I sent two questions regarding Henry’s Alzheimer’s. Dr. Fadiman replied within days, providing detailed answers that clearly reflected time, effort, and care, alongside his deep understanding. We were both blown away and feel deeply grateful. In the email, Dr. Fadiman stated, “You are already giving us invaluable news [about microdosing]: that there is an effect, and it is beneficial.” In closing, he wrote, “Thank you for the work you're doing in the world with others and the very special and remarkable work that you and your husband are doing together.”

Dr. Fadiman’s words catapulted Henry into understanding that his story—and our story together—may, perhaps, be of value to others. It is a story, a life being lived, alongside countless others with similar trajectories: baby boomers in their elderly years with dementia and their caregivers. What might make our story touch your heart and mind is that it is shared through the lens of mindfulness and the respectful, educated, and reverent use of microdosing.

In closing my very first post, I want to acknowledge the amazing courage of Henry and his inspirational relationship with Alzheimer’s. Together, we talk about what is happening and what we are contemplating as life unfolds. This is not every day, but it is an ongoing part of what has helped this journey be one that we both now accept open-heartedly and transparently. I would like to think of this blog as a continuation of this ongoing dialogue. I will share many things that have arisen in the past few years while sharing as the unknown becomes known in this unfolding journey. It is with this spirit and deep gratitude that I welcome you to the blog.

- Lauren Alderfer, PhD.


A Mindful Approach to Dementia & Psychedelics: Our Shared Journey Series - Why Am I Here? What Does It All Mean? From the Ivory Towers to the Psychedelic Underground


Psychedelics for the Forgotten Many: How Mindful Microdosing is Reshaping Everyday Lives