Lauren Alderfer
Media & Speaking
Integrating Eastern philosophy with modern wellness, Lauren Alderfer offers a unique perspective on personal growth and self-discovery to audiences worldwide.
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Lauren’s newest book, Mindful Microdosing: A Guidebook And Journal, brings her extensive background in mindfulness to world of microdosing. In addition, her articles on mindful microdosing have been featured in Women On Psychedelics, Psychedelic.Support and other news outlets. She is the award-winning author of Teaching from the Heart of Mindfulness. She started her career in the Andean region, living there for over 20 years and then on the Indian subcontinent for nearly 20 years more.
As a writer, educator, and mindful microdosing coach, her newest book, Mindful Microdosing: A Guidebook And Journal, weaves her lived experiences together to bring a mindfulness-based approach to microdosing. Her authentic voice compels us to consider mindfulness as an essential lens in the booming yet still emerging psychedelic landscape. She is an avid tennis player, thermal spring enthusiast, Tibetan and crystal bowl practitioner, and lifelong learner. Lauren is a certified E.O.L.D (End Of Life Doula) and yoga therapist. Lauren holds a PH.D. in Global Educational Leadership.
Key Focus Areas
Mindful Microdosing
Individual and Group Coaching
Wellness and Psychedelics
Microdosing Protocols and Practices
Microdosing and Aging
Microdosing and Caregiving