Discover the World of Microdosing through Mindfulness

Mindful Microdosing 101

You are invited to watch this FREE introductory video to give you an introduction and background to the Mindful Microdosing 101 Course.

If you are interested to learn more about microdosing through the lens of mindfulness, this course is for you!

It is an 8-week, self-paced course that educates and empowers you on a journey of both mindfulness and microdosing.

You can take the course on its own or you can use it in tandem with the book, Mindful Microdosing: A Guidebook and Journal. Either way, the course is an invitation to cultivate spaciousness of mind and expansiveness of heart through mindful microdosing.

The content of the course is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition or disease, nor is it a substitute for consultation with a licensed practitioner. Purchasing this course implies your acceptance of this disclaimer.

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More Courses and Webinars

  • Precision in Mushroom Dosing: Using a Scale Effectively

    This mini-course is designed to teach you the essentials of accurately measuring mushrooms using a digital scale.

    Introduction to Dosing: Understand why accurate measurements are important for safe and effective dosing.

    Scale Tutorial: Step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use a scale properly.

    Mindfulness Practice: Learn how to bring awareness and intention to the process of measuring and consuming mushrooms.

  • Mindful Microdosing Overview and Book Support

    I am excited to share a presentation that provides a thorough overview of Mindful Microdosing. The recording covers the key concepts of a mindful approach to microdosing, offering additional insights to deepen your understanding.

    I also discuss my latest book, Mindful Microdosing: A Guidebook and Journal, including the illustrations, motifs, and creative choices that may not be immediately apparent from the text itself.

    This presentation is approximately one hour long, and I hope you find it both enjoyable and informative.

  • Your Intention as a Sankalpa

    Explore how understanding and setting intention can enrich your microdosing and psychedelic experiences.

    This session introduces the concept of sankalpa, a deeply personal and truthful intention that guides your journey.

    Through a detailed explanation, a real-life session example, and a mindfulness practice, you’ll learn how to uncover your deepest truth and integrate it into your experiences for greater mindfulness and transformation.